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The Truth about Chia Seeds

Every seems to be banging on about chia seeds at the moment and we at CTH want to make sure we are not missing out on the action...what are these little seeds and are they really as amazing as everyone makes out?

We are our expert Jo for some advice:

"Chia seeds are lovely addition to porridge, yogurt, in smoothies etc. Little ones love adding 'sprinkles' to their food and these little South American seeds would be ideal. They are a rich source of both anti-inflammatory and brain boosting Omega 3 fats and soluble fibre, as well as providing a useful source of vegetarian protein. They are also a handy addition to gluten free recipes as they have a gelatinous texture which can be used as a binding agent in place of flour. As a helpful remedy for constipation, you can try soaking them overnight in a small amount of water and drinking both the seeds and water in the morning. "

So it really does sound like we need to get out and buy some, so they can be ready to hand for a sprinkle into a pancake or muffin mix

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